Prayerful preparation is the first step in starting a cell. This involves praying for every aspect of the meeting.
This involves taking into consideration venue for the meeting, time, number of ministers expected etc.
Ahead of the meeting, the cell leader extends invitation to ministers who are already in his sphere of contact, telling them about the meeting.
After the initial invitations, reminders are necessary to go out to those invited to the cell meeting. These reminders can be in the form of text messages, phone calls, e-mails or chats. Follow up should be carried out until the ministers eventual attendance at the cell meetings.
An outline for bible study called “cell outline" is made available every month to the cell leader from the ism. The cell outlines contain topical teachings from our man of god, Pastor Chris, for the benefit of the ministers’ spiritual and ministerial development. Ministry materials such as the rhapsody of realities devotional, teaching messages by the man of God, Pastor Chris Oyakhilome, as well as other recommended materials should also be used during the meeting. The cell outline and manual should be printed out or put in a device ahead of the meeting.
Each cell leader receives login details to the ISM Cell Leaders reporting portal, at the commencement of a new cell, where they can upload reports and access cell outlines, reporting templates and other exclusive resources. Registration for the ISM Ministers Network conference, ISM online conference and the ISM sessions also takes place through the cell leader via the crp, ie, the cell reporting portal Each cell leader is expected to log in using his unique username and password.
A cell may plan to have a video playout of Pastor Chris’ teaching or miracle programs during cell meetings. Such video playouts should be tested, ensuring that they can be watched; there is good audio and other technicalities ahead of the meeting. Depending on the size of the cell, videos can be played on a laptop, tv, dvd as well as a projector screen.
A cell should plan to have a basic sound system consisting of a microphone and Public Address System. These equipment should be tested, ensuring that there is good and clean audio ahead of the meeting. The sound system can be upgraded and capacity increased as the cell membership increases.
It is important to take pictures of key segments during the cell meeting such as praise and worship, sharing of the word and distribution of materials. Someone should be nominated for photography in the cell. A picture of all ministers that attended can also be taken at the close of the cell meeting. Each picture should be at least 1 mb in resolution and care should be taken that the pictures are sharp. Pictures should be sent as single attachments or zip folders to [email protected] and also uploaded on the crp. File sharing platforms such as whatsapp which reduces picture resolutions should be avoided. Each cell leader is expected to log in using his unique username and password.
The cell leader is to provide feedback of every cell meeting, using the template provided for on the cell reporting portal[crp] the report should be uploaded at most 48 hours after the cell meeting has taken place. Feedback from the cell meeting should include, a report of the meeting noting high points of the meeting, testimonies from members, records of attendance, records of offerings and other relevant information.
One of the proof that your cell meeting held is the offering that was received at the meeting. Cell offerings received during ISM Cell meetings should be remitted to the ISM and not used for anything else. It is imperative that the cell leader understands this and complies. The following details below can be used for remittance of cell offerings